Mrs. Schrant and Miss DeWitt's 4th grade students celebrated Halloween with crafts and snacks today!!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
The TMP-M Spanish class came to teach the 1st grade students about Diaz de los Muertos, and the students had a blast!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Just a reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL next Monday 10/30 - Wednesday 11/1 for Fall Break! Students will be celebrating Halloween today with parties and fun in the classrooms. We wish all of our families a thrilling, spooky-good weekend and a safe Halloween! All Saints' Day mass schedules are included in the school newsletter. See you on November 2nd as we celebrate our November birthday students!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Students will have Early Release today at Holy Family to allow for a full afternoon/evening of Parent Teacher Conferences for our teachers! Dismissal will start at 1:15 p.m. today. After School Care will be available until 5:30 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
It's Parent-Teacher Conference week! Qtr. 1 has come to a close and it's time to see how your students are doing! Conferences will be offered Tuesday between 4-6pm and Thursday between 2-6pm by appointment. Please contact us if you have questions!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Fall picture retake day is on Monday (10/23) at HFE in normal school uniform! Please mark your calendars and notify your child's teacher if your child will need to attend retakes that morning!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Congratulations to our big cash prize winners of our Cajetan Cash fundraiser drawing! $10,000 - Shirley Brungardt $5,000 - Shirley Brungardt $2,500 - Bryan VonFeldt $1,000 - Kathy Thompson Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors for making this fundraiser possible, and to all of our students and families who spent time selling Cajetan Cash tickets! Thanks to all who bought tickets this year in support of Holy Family Elementary, and thank you to Courtney Brady and Olivia Becker for coordinating and organizing this fundraiser for our school!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Just a reminder that today is our October Early Release Day at Holy Family, and students will dismiss at 1:15 p.m. All dismissal styles are open as usual today, and After School Care is open from 1:15 - 5:30 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Mark your calendars! On Wednesday, dinner plans are taken care of! We'll have our school Freddy's Night between 4-8 p.m. October 11th. Grab Freddy's for the family and support the school! HFE Home & School will receive 15% of fundraiser sales** during this time frame! You can order digitally or at the physical Freddy's restaurant. To participate digitally, order on the Freddy's mobile app or on their website using the code "GIVEBACK". To participate at the restaurant, tell the cashier of your participation (mention you're supporting Holy Family as you order!) or show the fundraiser flyer below to the cashier BEFORE you pay!! **DoorDash, Uber Eats, GrubHub and Google orders, gift card sales and delivery fees are not included in the fundraiser! Thanks for your support in this way!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
This morning we had our first First Friday Prayer Circles of the school year! If you're new to Holy Family or haven't heard about HFE prayer circles, it's such a special thing to get to observe! All students in Kindergarten - 5th grade are shuffled into "prayer circles". Each prayer circle has about 1 student per grade, and the 5th grade student in each circle leads the prayers and discussion! Sometimes the students have a quick project or craft to work on together, or a certain virtue to discuss. They get to pray together and get to know one another through great discussions. It's a wonderful opportunity for the 5th graders to take on the leadership role, and the little ones really look up to those older than them! Each school year, the students are with their same prayer circle group, so they get to build upon this neat bond that they otherwise wouldn't have had with a student in each grade level!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Tomorrow we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi with our annual school Pet Blessing! Feel free to bring your furbabies and little critters up for a special blessing at 2:40 p.m. in the school playground parking lot with the students!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
We're currently at $52,565 in our Cajetan Ca$h Fundraiser! We need to see a big push in sales these last few days!! Ticket sales run through this Friday at midnight! Please be sure that your kiddos are turning in their sales sheets each day so that the committee can better track and calculate where we're at! We have some NEW exciting incentives for the students: 1.) If we hit $70,000, every student will earn a treat pack on the last day of school (Cerv's snoball coupon, McDonald's ice cream cone, Wendy's frosty) 2.) If we hit $80,000, we earn a school-wide PAJAMA DAY! 3.) All families that hit their 50-ticket goal are entered into a new drawing to win $100 cash! Please watch the video here to learn more about reaching our school-wide goal!! Thank you for your support!
about 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
We're only a little over halfway to our school-wide goal for our big fall fundraiser, Cajetan Ca$h! We need a big push this weekend and this upcoming week to get us closer to our goal! The last chance to order Cajetan Ca$h tickets is next Friday 9/29!!! If you know an HFE student or you just want to purchase tickets for a chance at the big cash drawings, there are multiple ways to order! You can head to the weblink below and search by student name to purchase the tickets from a particular child, reach out to your student(s), or stop by the school office! By purchasing a ticket, you could be the winner of one of the following cash prize drawings: $1,000, $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000, all while supporting our school!!! The big drawing will be held on Friday, October 13th at 2:45 p.m. and will be streamed live from school! Here is the link to read more and purchase your tickets today:
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Just a reminder that Fall Picture Day is tomorrow at Holy Family for all grades PK3-5th! Students wear normal school uniforms! You can place photo orders online through Lifetouch. Retake day is Monday, Oct. 23!
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Just a reminder that today is our first Early Release Day at Holy Family; students will dismiss at 1:15pm. All dismissal styles are still available today as usual! We also hope to see you this evening at the North McDonald's for HFE McDonald's Night 5-8pm!
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
Gone Logo has opened up a 2nd chance online store for anyone interested in ordering the 25th Anniversary of Holy Family shirts! These are available in youth and adult sizes both. These would be perfect to wear during our school events and fundraisers! They'll take orders until September 20th -- follow the link here:
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
September lunch menus are hot off the press at Holy Family! Tomorrow 9/1, lunch will be macaroni & cheese, corn, dinner roll, fruit, salad & milk!
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
We just received a great tip!! The Hays Dollar General on 27th currently has baby items marked 70% off! We celebrate Mary's Baby Shower each school year in December where students bring baby items that are donated to Catholic Charities for mothers in need in our community! This would be a great time to grab some baby items for a great price!
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
HFE Parents, just a reminder about the All Parent Information Night tonight at 7:00pm starting in the upstairs Gym! You'll be receiving important info from your child's homeroom teachers! See you then!
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary
If you'd like your little one to come enjoy a morning of fun with the TMP Cheerleaders, sign up for Mini Cheer Camp (Barbie Themed), and they will get to perform with the TMP cheerleaders at the home football game on Friday, September 1st at 7:00 p.m. during halftime! Please complete the form here: --We will soon be sharing a link where you can also pay online, or you can send payment in your child's folder to the Holy Family office! We hope to see your little ones there!--
over 1 year ago, Holy Family Elementary