Holy Family Elementary School
Annual Chili Supper & Bazaar
Sunday, January 28, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Holy Family Elementary School, 18th and Vine, Hays
We invite you to attend our annual Chili Supper & Bazaar! Come join us for a delicious meal of chili, hot chicken sandwiches on homemade buns, relishes, and desserts (there are sugar-free options). Meal tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children (ages 4-12). Children 3 and under eat free! The food line will cut off at 1:30 p.m. Mailers were sent out through all of our Heartland Parishes, and you can buy tickets at the door. All are welcome! Our drive-thru pick-up option was such a hit, that we’re bringing it back again on the South side of the school building! If mailing in ticket orders, please send in by Monday, January 22.
We have a thrilling Silent Auction & Raffle taking place in the school gym. As always, we have some exciting raffle items this year, including a Halo Pizza Oven, $500 or $1,000 cash, a Dell Latitude Notebook, a Nintendo Switch Lite, bikes, Beats headphones, an electric scooter, gift certificates and memberships galore! Our Silent Auction is always full of some great gift baskets to bid on, and everything from toys to electronics to activities and anything in between!
The games are BACK! We have a large variety of games for children to play which will be in the Activity Center! Bingo will be offered in the PK-4 classroom, including some great prizes for the lucky winners, both children and adults alike!
The Book Fair will be running in the Library, so be sure to send your young readers down to browse some great books & educational items for sale! All proceeds go to the librarian for new books for the school! All meal tickets, raffle tickets, and general donations for the chili supper go straight into our school's operating account, so your support makes a tremendous difference to HFE!! We hope to see you come out that day and enjoy the fellowship and fun we have to offer our community!
Thank you for your ongoing support of Catholic education in our community!