Gifts-in-a-Jar Fundraiser

Holy Family 4th graders are once again selling delicious jars of homemade mixes to sell! Profits made will be used to purchase the students' tickets to the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Museum in the spring. The extra funds are used for multiple things around Holy Family! The funds have been used to purchase the beautiful Holy Family statue across from the office, materials for Blessing Bags, and even an entire cart of Chromebooks for a classroom in need!

The 4th graders are each given a job and an assembly line is set up to put these delicious jars together for sale! Jar flavors will include Chocolots Brownies, and Good-for-What-Ails-You Chicken soup! Each jar is $10. The brownies would be perfect in your Thanksgiving Day spread! Having chicken noodle soup on hand for an after-stuffed-meal would be a great time-saver! These jars make wonderful gifts for others!

To order, please fill out the form at the link here, print and turn into the school office by Thursday, November 9! Pickup day is Monday, November 20th between 2:00-4:00 p.m. Please let Mrs. Jennifer Howard or Mrs. Teresa Schrant know if you have any questions! 

Thanks for your support!!